We Are Green Lake Conservancy
Green Lake Conservancy is the Green Lake Community’s all volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit Land Trust. Since 1995, we have been a strategic lake partner, protecting special places like; Tichora, Mitchell Glen, Norwegian Bay Wetlands and many more. We provide lake and watershed protection through acquisition, gift and conservation easement. These efforts are funded by private donations, as well as support from partners such as Green Lake Sanitary District and the Wisconsin DNR.
Green Lake Conservancy's Mission Statement
The Green Lake Conservancy permanently and proactively protects and preserves special places, primarily in the Green Lake watershed and county by offering conservation expertise, strategies and legal tools for the benefit of humans, plants and wildlife.
Our Work with the Landowners
We engage landowners through surveys and personal conversations to help them determine and communicate what their conservation goals are for their special places and to help them achieve their goals.
Some reasons for these conversations are love of the land, estate planning, financial planning, and other personal reasons.
Sometimes this is done through a Conservation Easement which places deed restrictions that address issues such as building restrictions and limits on the type of agriculture which can be practiced. These restrictions travel with the land, regardless of future ownership.

Another option for landowners is to transfer ownership of the property as a gift or a reduced-price sale, depending on circumstances. Such a gift can be offered with or without restrictions.
In any case, we are pleased to work with landowners who have an interest in protecting their special place in the Green Lake area. We are happy to discuss conservation options with landowners, even if they are simply looking for more information about potential options.
If you’re a land owner looking to preserve your property, here are some helpful links that will guide you:
- What is a conservation easement?
- How do you benefit from land conservation?
- Farm and ranchland conservation
Source: Land Trust Alliance
If you would rather speak to someone for more information on how to go about preserving your property, feel free to contact us and we can help!

Why Conserve Your Land?
Across America, thousands of people are determined to conserve the places they value. Landowners have a deep connection to their land and know the gifts undeveloped properties provide their communities: clean air and water, fresh food, wildlife habitat, and sheer scenic beauty.
All-too-often these special places disappear forever because of development. Every day, over 5,000 acres of land are developed in the U.S.
Many landowners are taking a stand to safeguard the places they love— productive farms, ranch land, forests, wetlands, coastlines— for their family and for future generations.